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Their are certain categories which are searching for online jobs,they may be:
1] House-Wife
2]College or School Students
3]One who want to be own boss
4]Want some passive income along with his/her job or Business
I am under 4th Category.Now lets Discuss some of the websites which really pays you for your hard work.Their are websites which comes under Category PTC Websites i.e. Paid-to-click Websites.These websites pay you on each ad you view,some small task you perform and for Referral you make under you.
Their are certain websites which comes under catogery PPD i.e. Pay per Download.In such websites first you have to register yourself.Then try to make files which are unique and in demand,Upload it in PPD website Server where you will get link to download that particular promote that link and if somebody downloads that file by your link then you will get paid.The file can be in any format like video file,Txt File,PDF file,MP3 file Etc...
Then their are certain websites which pays you on writing few words articles on their Niches. Then their are certain websites which pays you on Filling Surveys,giving your Honest Opinion to the company so that they will get customers feedback and it helps a lot to improve their Products and services and in return they pay you.
Then their is very famous and very hot program i.e. Google Adsense for which you must have blog or must have blog or website with some current,unique and demandable Niche or topic.If you start getting visitors for your website/blog start making relations with them and increase your traffic.Ones you started getting reasonable traffic per day apply for google adsense a/c in which ones approved google start giving you ads on related topic of your website/blog,in which if visitor visit your website/blog and click on ads displayed by google you will get paid in Dollars.
Its true that Online earning is not too easy but ones you get started with your journey things become automatically start getting different paths as how to move ahead.
Work from Home:Online Jobs
People are really fed-up by searching how to make money online,Even I am Fed-Up but ones i get right direction now my journey is on.First of all don't ever get excited on Scheme that makes you rich overnight as online earning needs lots and lots of patience, hard work and also smart-work.Their are certain categories which are searching for online jobs,they may be:
1] House-Wife
2]College or School Students
3]One who want to be own boss
4]Want some passive income along with his/her job or Business
I am under 4th Category.Now lets Discuss some of the websites which really pays you for your hard work.Their are websites which comes under Category PTC Websites i.e. Paid-to-click Websites.These websites pay you on each ad you view,some small task you perform and for Referral you make under you.
Their are certain websites which comes under catogery PPD i.e. Pay per Download.In such websites first you have to register yourself.Then try to make files which are unique and in demand,Upload it in PPD website Server where you will get link to download that particular promote that link and if somebody downloads that file by your link then you will get paid.The file can be in any format like video file,Txt File,PDF file,MP3 file Etc...
Then their are certain websites which pays you on writing few words articles on their Niches. Then their are certain websites which pays you on Filling Surveys,giving your Honest Opinion to the company so that they will get customers feedback and it helps a lot to improve their Products and services and in return they pay you.
Then their is very famous and very hot program i.e. Google Adsense for which you must have blog or must have blog or website with some current,unique and demandable Niche or topic.If you start getting visitors for your website/blog start making relations with them and increase your traffic.Ones you started getting reasonable traffic per day apply for google adsense a/c in which ones approved google start giving you ads on related topic of your website/blog,in which if visitor visit your website/blog and click on ads displayed by google you will get paid in Dollars.
Its true that Online earning is not too easy but ones you get started with your journey things become automatically start getting different paths as how to move ahead.
Some Top PTC(Paid-to-Click) websites are:
Some Survey Websites are:
Some Article writing Websites are:
Most Common PPD(Pay Per Download) Website: